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Work From Home

Courtney Greenberg

I write about anything and everything related to trending news in Canada: women’s issues + art history + politics + science + crime

My blog features

interviews + recaps + essays photography + book reviews

5 docs that will inspire you

5 docs that will inspire you

I've been recapping some pretty heavy stuff, so why not share some docs that are uplifting so people think I'm stable or something. Here are some heartwarming tales to warm your heart:

  1. Harry and Snowman: This is the story of an immigrant who moves to the U.S. and ends up rescuing a horse from a slaughterhouse. Little did he know the animal would prove to be a real winner on the track.
  2. Twinsters: Two complete strangers find out they have a lot more in common than their looks. This doc examines issues in the adoption system and highlights the importance of finding family where ever you end up.
  3. Iris: Nothing can stop this 80-something woman from being the most stylish person in the room. The fashion icon takes the audience through her everyday life while telling stories of her past and her time in the industry.
  4. The Crash Reel: The doc follows the near-death experience and recovery of a professional snowboarder who was at the top of his game. A brutal fall takes away what he took for granted most and now he's educating other people about taking care of their brains and bodies.
  5. The Barkley Marathons: Join all the eccentric, hopeful, and wild people from around the world who attempt to complete this gruelling marathon. 

All are available to stream on Netflix now.

5 docs that will make your blood boil

5 docs that will make your blood boil

12 things you thought while watching #Riverdale

12 things you thought while watching #Riverdale